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Residential Customer Fixed Price Offerings1515 Market Street, Suite 1200
Philadelphia, PA, 19102
1 (888) 504 6372
Indra Energy is a licensed independent seller of electricity and/or natural gas in the states of Delaware (electric license number: 16-0929); District of Columbia (electric license number: EA 2016-16 and gas license number: GA 2016-05); Illinois (electric supply license number: 12-0269); Massachusetts (electric license number: CS-092); Maryland (electric license number: IR-1804 and gas license number IR-1803); Michigan (gas license number: U-21398); New Jersey (electric license number: ESL-0049 and gas license number: GSL-0033); Pennsylvania (electric license number: A-2009-2108338 and gas license number: A-2009-2100320); and Virginia (gas license number: G-49).
Switching to a competitive supplier is not mandatory and you the consumer have the option of remaining with your local distribution utility for basic generation service.
*For Products described as renewable or green, a chosen percentage of Customer's electricity supply service will be paired with renewable energy certificates generated from renewable or alternative energy sources in the United States which have been qualified as such. If enrolled in a 100% Renewable Energy plan with Indra Energy, one hundred percent (100%) of your electricity usage will be paired with renewable energy certificates generated from renewable or alternative energy sources in the United States, which may include wind, solar, hydro or any other zero-emission sources which have been qualified as such. PJM Gats for customers in NJ, PA, MD, VA, IL, DC, DE territories, or via ISO — New England for customers in MA; the RECs are not generated in the State of Illinois. The amount of RECs that exceed any mandatory renewable portfolio or clean standard requirements may be generated from renewable or alternative energy sources located anywhere in the United States. Indra will purchase RECs in the same calendar year as your electricity usage and retire them in a regional generation attribute system. If you select a natural gas product, one hundred percent (100%) of your natural gas usage will be matched with carbon offsets.
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